Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Just popping on during this nap time to write a little about what Emma is up to.. Being very helpful in the kitchen (lately by picking up scraps I drop, peeling carrots) and expressing herself clearly and calmly. She makes little 'jokes' or pokes fun occasionally while we move through the day. She's so bright and interested in everything going on and SO good at vocalizing it. Such a joy to have around. 
Our Christmas tree is up and nearly fully lit with ornaments to come this weekend. Emma takes it upon herself to crawl under the bottom branches and check the water level in the basin and let me know when the tree "is thirsty" and I fill a bottle with water for her. She does a little crouching shuffle back under and carefully pours it all in. Last time when she was done one bottle she said she needed more water, and I asked if she thought the tree needed more water. She replied, "No, not more water for the tree, need more water for Emma" with a pat on her chest. And so I got her a glass of water and they drank together.
No pictures of this because Emma's often enjoying some topless time around the house, or bottomless, or both, she's two! Whatever! 

*had to come back and add a fun story emma was acting out for me yesterday :-)
Emma was using a long stick like a fishing pole and catching fish then releasing them in different parts of her room. So she'd catch one in the blue water of her rug then let it go on the ice which was the medallion in the center and say that the fish really like being on the ice. Then she stopped and looked me in the face, and said "they not biting it, they just hang on!" And she repeated it to be sure I followed her, 
so I asked "how are they hanging on?"
And she replied "they hang on with their fins!" Making a hanging gesture with her hands on either sides of her face, and I can just imagine what she must be imagining; the fish holding on to the end of the stick (also note that the stick forked off and the fish only hung onto one part, never the other part which must have had a different use) as she humanely catches and releases it. Too much, Emma 😍

Emma got a head start on hanging a few baubles which all graced the same small, low hanging branch. I wonder what will happen next?

Backtracking here, to when we picked our tree over the weekend at an upstate tree farm with MiMi and Pop Pop

Back to nap time chores..

Sleepy head.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Short stories by Emma

I thought I would collect a bunch of these short narratives Emma recites during play but honestly it has become too hard keeping up with all of them now. Her sentences just go on and on, and on (and on!). But a month ago, here are some things she was acting out. These are her own words.

I live in a hole by the sea. I sleep all winter in my nest, then I wake up. It is snowing; we have to get birdseed!

Emma looks up and sees a rook. He lands on a pillow. I put him on a leash; he's tethered. Then a horse comes and steals the rook away. 

Last night something sprung out of the bedroom. It said, "GO EMMA!" And tumbled over. 

Emma has a bite on her leg. Bug came along and bite, "Bite!" 
I'm itchy, I have to scratch! The bugs like to bite bite bite.
Also Emma loves comparing things sometimes relevant to what we are doing and other times completely random. 

Bubbles live in water. Snakes also live in water.
I say, Some snakes live on land.
They have to get a boat and go in the water!

In the car on the way home from NH after thanksgiving, from the back she announces "some people are tall, and,.. Some people are not tall!"

I'd better go because she's sanding Catrick