Wednesday, June 24, 2015

New reads

We came across a few new books while volunteering set up our fellowship tag sale and I wanted to share, because they are all already hits with Emma. 

The Kapok Tree.. Which I remembered as soon as I saw the cover. It was read to my 1st grade class during a field trip to the local library. Emma loves all the animals that visit the sleeping man, pleading with him not to cut down their tree. 

What an awesome story! It starts out with the a seed that by chance lands in a suitable place to grow and is overlooked by animals that may have eaten it. It grows for 200 years, changing shape and  residents who have made homes inside it, then eventually falls with a gust of wind. Still it is home to different animals. At the end we see all the new cactuses surrounding it, maybe ones started from its own seeds. Beautiful illustrations, a variety of animals (some new faces for us, haven't talked much about Dessert life yet!) and a good introduction to life cycles for young Emma. 

I couldn't resist bringing this home! It's never too early to read Black Beauty to York child, is it?! I loved the movie when I was young (and to be honest probably when I was 'too old' to be loving it but I was horse crazy and the movie was so endearing and not at all tacky..) but I never had the pleasure of reading the story myself, getting to know the characters through Sewell's words, using the descriptions to create my own imagery. Anyway since we're all for books and not so much for television and movies here I knew I had to share this with Emma. It's our new read-aloud snuggle-up chapter book since we finished Charlotte's Web. I love to stop after each chapter and talk about the characters and hearing what Emma thinks- about plucky little Merrylegs becoming friends with Black Beauty; that because of her upbringing, Ginger isn't friendly but still works hard and softens up with gentle treatment. With one read Emma knows what a crupper is and that she wouldn't hold still while being fitted with one (she is pretending to be a horse.) We are really enjoying this book so far!

I can tell Emma is going to be a book worm when she's a little bigger. What joy to be getting lost in literature! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Today and tomorrow

Were busy inside and out. Summer is just around the corner (though it feels like it's here lately!!) and we are ready for some summer fun- yard parties, bbqs, swimming. Brings it on, we say.

Hosted play today with friends, Emma's pals Esme, Adeline, Anna and James. So nice to see how these big little girls are beginning to include each other in their games, request to play with another, invite others to join them. Amazing what Three means.

Emma will be three next month. I need to get ready for that! (The day-of, not the actual being three part. We're flowing right along and expect more wonderful experiences and opportunities to flow right in) Emma wants (wanted) a lemon cake. Mama wants something light/on the healthy side. I think we can please both! Can't wait to make that special day all about her. Need to make a birthday bunting. 

I have been working more on the weekends and even had a few evening mixed in lately! Gaining clientel, interest.. Very happy to see some growth in my business. This means Emma is enjoying more 1-on-1 time with Daddy, and I must add that Daddy is on point with care, instructing, responding etc to Emma in this new stage. 

Emma's very open with the adults we see regularly and potential new friends. Comfortable staying with them if I leave for a moment. Carries on conversations with them and really craves a back-and-forth dialogue, gifts them things (Flowers to Rev. Karen ❤️) I think she prefers adults right now because we are .. More refined.. Less unpredictable.. More understandable.. at least that is what I'm seeing/my interpretation. Doesn't like baby talk or when adults make a fuss about her but appreciates conversation about relatable topics. 

Will be ongoing