Saturday, June 22, 2013

Growing Independence

That is what we're seeing a lot of lately! Emma going off and doing what she wants to do. It's not always what we want her to do and it's sometimes inconvenient for us but it's a big development and an important one. Yesterday I took Emma to the Waterfront park to meet Patrick when he got home. Patrick and I ate dinner on a blanket in the shade while Emma walked around, back and forth from the blanket where we sat then farther and farther out each time. Soon she spotted a leashed dog down by the gazebo and beelined to it. Patrick followed behind her and they met the dog and owner together as I watched in awe of how much she has grown. 

Look how far off she walked! Didn't look back for me. No "Can I do this?" "Is mom near?"  Just an interest in meeting a little dog and using her ability to go do it. Maybe that is typical toddler tunnel vision but for once its not me she's focused on.
Patrick brought Emma back on his shoulders... One of Emma's favorite spots! However she does now prefer being on her own feet most times.

"Down now, Daddy!"

Emma is really into balls now- what kid isn't? So when she spotted a group of people casually kicking a soccer ball around she headed over to play. The ball happened to roll towards her and she went right to it, picked it up and ran off with it! Everyone enjoyed her antics. 
Before leaving the parks we stopped for a visit with the geese, feeding leftover Pita bread to the goslings to draw them in. It was a nice Friday evening for us all and especially eventful for Emma. 

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