Saturday, June 14, 2014

Whoa boy!

Whole lotta stuff going on here. We have moved into-- or almost moved in to our first house in Cortlandt Manor. It's been hectic, living around the clutter as we prime, paint and do some minor updating. I'm happy to report that Emma's room is nearly complete and we will soon, finally, be moving her in. The kitchen and dining room as well as both bathrooms are functioning but with some boxes and things out of place. As we get more of the house done things will find their places. While we are spending time inside for meals and sleep the majority of time it seems we are spending outside. The weather is warm, the yard is large and green, and it's perfect for play, exploring and learning about the natural world. As I've been moving rocks around in the yard or lifting path stones we've been discovering different bugs, some solo and some colonies. Ants in all sizes and shades, centipedes, spiders, snails and slugs. With some work we have turned a small filled pond in the yard into a wonderful dirt work site for Emma. It is not a completed zone but I don't think it will ever be 'done' because as Emma grows and her play changes so will the work site. 

As it is now, there's a slope down to the dirt pit and stairs on the other side. The natural rock and some plants enclose it nicely. 

A mix of pasta sauce and dirt on Emma's hands and face is a pretty usual site lately! She loves to dig in, to food and earth alike. 

Now that were in the new house that is farther from the train station our morning routine has had a big change. This new distance means we all must be up and out the door to take daddy to the train at 7:15. While I'm still adjusting to this morning rush there has been a positive side. We get a little extra time together as a family and after dropping Patrick off Emma and I have the opportunity to stop at the park on the way home or take care of some errands while we're out. Stopping for a walk in Depew is all our favorites! Emma no longer wants to be confined to the stroller or carrier, instead wants to walk, run, LAY in the trails, balance along fallen trees and inspect flowers and mushrooms on the way. 

Getting a different perspective ;-)

Emma climbs rocky hills with ease...
But is not sure how to tackle this rocky path over a stream. 

Those pictures are from two different mornings at the park but Emma is wearing half her pajama set each day! That's the reality of some mornings. Getting done what we can and what Emma will allow with no fuss. Sometimes changing her shirt before leaving for the train is going to mean a power struggle and sometimes there's just no time to get breakfast on the table and get both of us changed and ready to go. We're going with the flow! 

It's taken longer than we thought it would take to get the house together as there is only nap time and a couple hours after bedtime that we can work. My focus is on Emma during the day but occasionally I can come up with a job we can both do. Emma helped paint the mailbox post outside for a quick update and something she can feel accomplished about. Helping wipe windows and walls inside and move rocks and rubble outside gives her meaningful work. She even states "Emma helps mommy!" when she takes on one of these tasks. 
This morning I was putting the plates over the outlets that were taken down for painting. My observant Emma brought a screw over to fasten one of the plates. She said, "this one!" but the screw she was handing to me is a long and pointy drywall screw. I'm my hand I put the screw and one of the ones I needed side by side and described them: This is a long and pointy screw; I need a short and flat screw. Could she find the short, flat screws in the box of miscellaneous pieces? 

I think she was exaggerating how closely she had to look!

Yes, This One!

Yes, this is a box of pokey, scratchy and various dangers and I let my child search   through it. Supervising her and giving her the opportunity to prove herself, hone matching skills and take calculated risks is definitely worth it! After all, I am searching through that same box. She moved things around carefully and the satisfaction was visible in her face when she had found the correct screw for the job. Way to go, Emma!

That's just a bit of what we have been up to at home. But before signing off and returning blogging to the back of my mind, here's a sneak peek of Emma's room in progress: 

Ohh it's going to be beautiful! 

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