Friday, October 30, 2015

Best day ever

The subject is misleading. These "best days" keep coming! Yesterday however was absolutely perfect. We took a trip to the Bear Mountain Zoo, called Trailside wildlife refuge. The sky was like a blue topaz gem above, sun shining on the golden leaves making them glow. 65° with a pleasant breeze. Had the zoo nearly to ourselves! Quiet enough to stop and chat with the keepers as they carried out the morning work. Saw red foxes, a porcupine, a opossum, birds of prey and many other native animals that are unable to be released into the wild.  Just when I thought "this is a good trip!" It got better: breathtaking view of the Hudson bathed in fall foliage, the sun flecking us through a lacy maple, the impressive bridge reaching across the river and the light like glitter on the water. I felt absolutely blissful standing there, taking it in. Emma eventually pulled me back to reality and we continued our walk through the zoo. She was a little confused by the huge collection of native bird and rodent taxidermy and I dodged the question, "are they real or pretend animals?" She was interested in the animals skulls and we could see the difference between a rodents teeth and that of a carnivore.  

After our visit we had leftover soup and bread sitting at the foot of a mountain with great dark clouds rolling in over the top and growing right before is. We finished lunch just as a ran shower started and made the drive home, both satisfied with our spontaneous outing. 

And the only pictures I got from the whole day, because my phone battery was completely used up by the time we arrived, were these from the scenic overlook off the side of the road. We stayed for about ten minutes watching cloud shadows ramble over the mountains, a cargo train sliding along, and a hard working tugboat pulling a barge. Stunning scenery. Way out in the distance I pointed out an eagle, thinking it was the white tail we were seeing as it flew along, and Emma and I jumped for joy! I didn't have the heart to tell her once I realized it was just a gull!
Eagle or not, it was a fantastic morning we shared. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Growing Creativity

Emma has been rhyming a lot lately and singing songs... And usually they are songs that make sense and with real words! Occasionally she will fill in the end of a line with some repeating mumbles that happen to rhyme, but yesterday she impressed me with a full stanza relevant to what she was working on. 
Which was this lovely nest for her ducks:

"Daddy duck came in one night,
Laid in his bed and looked at the sight.
Mommy duck had a room beside 
his where a baby duck was lied."

So sweet!

And this morning Emma played with her food.. using plastic sticks from edible arrangement fruit to stick into a melon slice, turning it into 
-someone jumping through puddles 
-a plane, a running plane 
-a plane with a fanned out tail

She also said the plane has an extra wing so if one falls off and breaks it has a new one. A little knowledge of nature sneaking in there, I think- she's fascinated that spiders and crabs can grow new legs if they lose one. 

On the 16th we will be heading to Canada.. Can't wait to fly with this girl and explore airports again, then spend ten days with beloved family. Gotta take it all in and be present in the moments spent together. 

Winnipeg, September 2015

Queen of the sky

We had such a wondeful visit to Winnipeg Sept 16-26. Emma flew like she does it every day, loved watching plains and carts at the airport, and was patient and pleasant the whole trip up. 

We stayed with family and got to visit with nearly everyone I was hoping to see. We even got to see Uncle Sean and one of his bands play! 

Staying with my relatives, the Szymanskis was very comfortable for Emma and I. She enjoyed playing outside (especially making puddles!) or chatting with Misia. 


My dad and I brought Emma to Assiniboine park, breezed through the children's play area (highlight: tomato garden) also checked out the conservatory and walked through the English gardens. What a delight sharing that with my daughter and my dad 

Here is Emma and CoCo going on a ride in Kildonen Park. What a beautiful afternoon to be there! There's more to be done at Kildonen but Emma was wearing out. Next time.. maybe next time we will even visit the witches house. ^^

Emma couldn't get enough of this rock with a low area that held water just perfectly. So many opportunities for imaginative play! 

...and Raven paw! Emma is still talking about these cats. 

Emma and Misia

Emma actually fell asleep on the flight from Toronto to LGA so it was a quiet time to reflect for me. It's so different every time in in Winnipeg. Different times in my life, as with my family and friends. People and places changing and growing. I love going and seeing what it is that's different; something on the outside, or is it something within me? Then, returning home, we fall back into our own rhythm.
(Not so effortlessly this time around but we're adjusted now!)