Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Growing Creativity

Emma has been rhyming a lot lately and singing songs... And usually they are songs that make sense and with real words! Occasionally she will fill in the end of a line with some repeating mumbles that happen to rhyme, but yesterday she impressed me with a full stanza relevant to what she was working on. 
Which was this lovely nest for her ducks:

"Daddy duck came in one night,
Laid in his bed and looked at the sight.
Mommy duck had a room beside 
his where a baby duck was lied."

So sweet!

And this morning Emma played with her food.. using plastic sticks from edible arrangement fruit to stick into a melon slice, turning it into 
-someone jumping through puddles 
-a plane, a running plane 
-a plane with a fanned out tail

She also said the plane has an extra wing so if one falls off and breaks it has a new one. A little knowledge of nature sneaking in there, I think- she's fascinated that spiders and crabs can grow new legs if they lose one. 

On the 16th we will be heading to Canada.. Can't wait to fly with this girl and explore airports again, then spend ten days with beloved family. Gotta take it all in and be present in the moments spent together. 

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